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New Board decides to not appeal SECO decision

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 22 December 2022 – N.V. (“”), the European Travel-Tech leader in Dynamic Holiday Packages, today held its first meeting of the newly constituted Board of Directors. The Board acknowledged and approved the decisions of its Swiss subsidiaries to not appeal the notification of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). The benefits received by the Swiss subsidiaries involved will be repaid, thus ending the procedure with SECO. The subsidiaries will now liaise with SECO to organise the payment of the requested amount.

EGM approves change of governance

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 21 December 2022 – N.V. (“”), the European Travel-Tech leader in Dynamic Holiday Packages, today held its Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of shareholders in Amsterdam. All items on the agenda were approved, specifically the appointment of the following Directors of the company: N.V. updates on SECO’s decision

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 18 November 2022 – As shared yesterday, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) recently launched an administrative procedure. SECO notified the company’s subsidiaries today that the total benefits amounting to CHF 28’936’537.75 (approx. EUR 29 million at today’s exchange rate) must be repaid in full by the concerned Swiss subsidiaries. N.V. updates on latest developments

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 24 October 2022Prolongation of remand for Fabio Cannavale and Andrea Bertoli
In connection with the ongoing investigation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Ticino, N.V. (the Company) informs that the competent compulsory measures court approved to prolong the remand of Fabio Cannavale and Andrea Bertoli for a maximum duration of up to 29 November 2022. N.V. updates on Swiss investigation

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 29 September 2022 – In connection with the ongoing investigation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Ticino, N.V. informs that a number of further former and current employees of the company, including the company’s interim CEO Laura Amoretti, have now the status of accused persons in the matter under preliminary investigation. N.V. updates on Swiss investigation

Amsterdam / Chiasso, 12 September 2022 – In connection with the ongoing investigation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Canton of Ticino, the Company is informed that the competent compulsory measures court approved the prolongation of remand of Fabio Cannavale and Andrea Bertoli for a maximum duration of up to 18 October 2022. They are now the only employees remaining in custody. As announced on 25 July, the powers delegated to them remain suspended for a period of three months.